
Discord: fungi#1699

commissions are open!

about me

fungi ♥ they/them ୨ VIRGO ୧

I'm 19 years old, and currently trying to build my portfolio to be a character designer! And of course trying to hustle while I'm in school.

tips are always appreciated ♡

Terms of Service!

By reading this and continuing with a commission, you agree to the terms and conditions and consent to following these rules. These terms can be updated and changed when needed. If you have any questions or need clarify, ask me :)

1. I will not be accepting any kind of commissions that contain racist, sexist, or any discrimination against marginalized groups.

2. The buyer will pay for half of the commission at the start, then progress shots will be shown and when the commission is complete, the rest will be payed.

( •̀ ω •́ ) fantasy, gothic, Victorian, alternative aesthetics, magical, dreamy, OCs, anthrophonic(≧▽≦) hardcore futuristic/robots, furry, intense perspective, realism, characters with a lot of muscle

I am willing to learn, and insure quality into my work. I have studied many features, and traditions that I've used to develop my unique style.

This is not compleletly off the table! There are just some things I am not comfortable with and transparency is important.

What's Not Accepted

3. Extreme NSFW. BUT I am comfortable doing semi-NSFW commissions. Its something new I'm practicing, so your patience is appreciated. Fetish art is not allowed.4. Minors [people below the age 18] commissioning me NSFW projects. Nor minor characters in NSFW projects will not be accepted.

5. I will not draw triggering topics where a character is participating in active self harm [scars are okay], rape, sexual assault, and detailed depictions of bugs. If you request for something to be apart of commission that makes me uncomfortable I am allowed to deny your request or we can discuss an alternative.6. My commission may be used on other medias with credit. You may not use my commission to make a profit. The artwork itself belongs to me, fungi.

7. Stolen reference and or characters will not be tolerated. If you want to use another artist as reference, please clarify. OC designs will be unique and original.8. I am allowed to stop the commission at any moment. Money will be refunded based on the progress of the commission.